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Identifying iron in well water starts with simple observation. I notice reddish-brown stains in sinks, toilets, or laundry. This is a strong...
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Dear Nominee,
We wish to congratulate you for being selected in 2020 Canadian Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP). You are among the list of persons selected for the 2020 Federal Skilled Worker Program to Canada with benefits from the Canadian Government, you and your family will be granted permanent resident status with benefits if you meet the basic requirements.
Your nomination code is (FSW00689275115/18)
Every year a certain number of people are selected via e-mail through our electronic ballot system for resettlement by Canadian Government as part of support to some Countries.
Confirm receipt of this notification by responding immediately to enable us to send you all relevant requirements needed to process your nomination.
Kate Aiden
Assistant Program Coordinator
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