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How to Identify Iron in Well Water

Identifying iron in well water starts with simple observation. I notice reddish-brown stains in sinks, toilets, or laundry. This is a strong...

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Rural Estate on Italian hills!


                            Castle with Borgo and Agricultural Company near Todi Italy!

In Umbria and a few kilometers from Todi, on the 290-hectare agricultural estate stands the small village of Casigliano, castle, hotel with suite, restaurant, medieval village, in an enchanting landscape. The business center of the company and the accommodation facilities are located in the village of Casigliano. Hamlet of Acquasparta; it is a traditional ancient urban nucleus, set on one of the small characteristic hills of the surrounding countryside.



Matera: the facility rose from the recovery of an old farm from the Vulture

The facility rose from the recovery of an old farm from the 18th century, which was dedicated to wine production, the only example of the aforementioned activity in the Vulture region. In Piano Regio there are other buildings that, once finished, can be used as an high-level agritourism (the vicinity to Matera, European Capital of Culture 2019, only 30 minutes by car, is really interesting). This facility has a great history: it was born in 1922, it has received a lot of national and international recognition (“5 Grappoli”, “Tre Bicchieri”, “Tre Stelle di Veronelli, “Top Hundred”) and it has been often featured on national TV.



Monferrato: Farm in the hills between Barolo and Nizza Monferrato Langhe!

Farm in the hills between Barolo and Nizza Monferrato with 25 hectares of land, 10 hectares of vineyards and 5 hectares of hazel groves. Very nice manor house with fine furnishings, two apartments of about 110 square meters furnished for B&B and an apartment for the caretaker. Rustic of about 500 square meters with tool shed of about 150 square meters to be adapted for apartments or farm holidays. A part of the land is in the woods and you can plant another 2 hectares of vineyard and two others planting the undergrowth, there are several fruit trees and a beautiful garden.



Salina Eolie italy: Wine Estate in Salina Aeolian Island!

Salina is one of the most important tourist destinations of the Aeolian Islands, and more generally of Sicily. Long selected as a favorite island for families and long-stay vacationers, in recent years the island has become a popular tourist destination for young travelers who find the right balance between worldliness and nature, relaxation and nightlife, in the embracing embrace of a sea crystal clear. The island of Salina also boasts, for some years, the Five Sails of Legambiente, assigned to those tourist places that have best managed to combine the tourist offer with respect for the environment.


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Dragonfly Inspired Holiday Merch

Dragonfly Shirt

Buy Here - Dragonfly Christmas Tree

Did you know that a Dragonfly can fly both inside and out, drift, and make unexpected turns? With its fast dashing developments, the Dragonfly gives off an impression of being a living blaze of light. It is the state bug of Alaska since its flying is suggestive of the dexterous shrubbery pilots' moves. The Dragonfly is likewise an awesome image of progress and self-acknowledgment, bringing a feeling of happiness and daintiness to life.

Christmas Sweatshirt

This extraordinarily hand painted Christmas trinket ball is fastidiously planned with a delightful dragonfly and covered with leaves. This dragonfly knick-knack ball can be a pleasant expansion to your Christmas beautifications particularly on the off chance that you are into the nature topic.

The dragonfly christmas tree shirt represents change, and it has more force in its wings than different creepy crawlies. In the event that you have a companion or relative who has conquered snags, and changed to better themselves, this trimming can be a suggestion to your adored one of how solid you think they are.
There's nothing very like get-together 'round the Christmas tree to design with family. They include handcrafted plans for that valid and arrive in a reusable stockpiling holder for safety's sake. Deck the lobbies with seasonal happiness, and prepare for a Christmas you won't overlook! Bring a fly of shading and shine to your Christmas tree with this basic.

Stunning and loaded with breezy allure, our dimensional dragonflies in our luminous shade makes certain to carry gleam to your vacation tree.

You can utilize this adorable for a vacation or to embellish your place, it's certainly one of a kind and fabulous than others.

Email Marketing Databases ISA 2020

Code Product Price

U.S. Databases
53-0107 Email Database ISA USA 2020 C

974.000 emails in the United States
USD 60
53-0119 Email Database ISA USA Corporative 2020 C

721.000 corporative emails in the United States
USD 65

International Email Databases
53-0120 Email Databases ISA Latin America 2020 C

20 Countries
6.6 Million emails
USD 150
53-0129 Email Databases ISA Latin America Corporative 2020

15 countries in Latin America
1.014.000 corporative emails
USD 180
53-0127 Email Databases ISA International 2020 B

52 Countries - 16.7 Million emails
USD 250

Europe Email Databases
53-0117 Email Databases ISA Europe 2020 B

23 countries in Europe - 7.2 million emails
USD 150
53-0118 Email Databases ISA Europe Corporative 2020 B

21 countries in Europe - 3.6 million corporative emails
USD 250

Speciales Databases
53-2011 Database ISA Unsubscribers, Complainants and Spamtraps 2020

List of soft complainants (unsubscribe), hard complainants and spamtraps to add to your opt-out list and avoid spam complaints and inclusion of your domains in blacklists
USD 30

ISA Email Packer 2
Email List Optimitation Software

Mix up to 3 lists
Eliminates duplicates
Divide lists into packages with least amount of emails
Eliminates the cut emails
Cleans commas, quotation marks, or the character that you want to
Select emails from a domain
Remove unwanted domains
Deletes emails that contain certain words or symbols
Select emails that contain a certain word
Select emails of corporative domains

USD 50
Software ISA E-Marketing 4.0
Sales Management, CRM, Email Marketing, Shipping, Databases, Harvest Emails Robots

Customer Management
Multiple Marketing Campaigns
Email Marketing
Predefined Response Emails organized by campaign to accelerate the management of inquiries and direct sales
Online Sales Management
Sales History
Shipping Management
Database Management
Search by Email, by Name, or by Phone
Import emails from Text Files (TXT)
Email Extractor from Web Pages (Manual and with Robots)
Imports Web Forms generated in PHP to email (MAPI) or text files
Manage Web Forms received by updating database and sending autoresponse emails. Autoresponse associated with Web Forms
Database in MDB Format compatible with Microsoft Access

USD 350

Email Sending Services
53-3050 Super Server Plan LAT-50K

Sending 50.000 emails in Latinamerica, U.S. or Europe
USD 60
53-3150 Super Server Plan LAT-150K

Sending 150.000 emails in Latinamerica, U.S. or Europe
USD 100
53-5002 Super Server Plan LAT-1M

Sending 1 MILLION emails in Latinamerica, U.S. or Europe
USD 350

Software Consulting
53-4001 Installation of Mailer with Scanner of Open SMTP Servers

Configuration and support of a multi server emailing system
USD 210
53-4006 Installation of Email Marketing System
with SMTP Server with SPF and DKIM

- Program installed on your computer that allows local administration of your campaigns
- SMTP Servers appropriate to the rules SPF and DKIM
- Online statistics
- Works on Internet service providers with port 25 locked (use port 587)

USD 65

if you do not want to receive this newsletter or this emails was sent by mistake
please click here

ISA Email Marketing
Fabián Torre
Software Consulting

Rua Antonio Rodrigues 22, Itacimirim - Bahia - CEP 42823-000 - BRASIL
WhatsApp: +55 719 9313-1792 - Skype: chronskype



Email Marketing Databases ISA 2020

Code Product Price

U.S. Databases
53-0107 Email Database ISA USA 2020 C

974.000 emails in the United States
USD 60
53-0119 Email Database ISA USA Corporative 2020 C

721.000 corporative emails in the United States
USD 65

International Email Databases
53-0120 Email Databases ISA Latin America 2020 C

20 Countries
6.6 Million emails
USD 150
53-0129 Email Databases ISA Latin America Corporative 2020

15 countries in Latin America
1.014.000 corporative emails
USD 180
53-0127 Email Databases ISA International 2020 B

52 Countries - 16.7 Million emails
USD 250

Europe Email Databases
53-0117 Email Databases ISA Europe 2020 B

23 countries in Europe - 7.2 million emails
USD 150
53-0118 Email Databases ISA Europe Corporative 2020 B

21 countries in Europe - 3.6 million corporative emails
USD 250

Speciales Databases
53-2011 Database ISA Unsubscribers, Complainants and Spamtraps 2020

List of soft complainants (unsubscribe), hard complainants and spamtraps to add to your opt-out list and avoid spam complaints and inclusion of your domains in blacklists
USD 30

ISA Email Packer 2
Email List Optimitation Software

Mix up to 3 lists
Eliminates duplicates
Divide lists into packages with least amount of emails
Eliminates the cut emails
Cleans commas, quotation marks, or the character that you want to
Select emails from a domain
Remove unwanted domains
Deletes emails that contain certain words or symbols
Select emails that contain a certain word
Select emails of corporative domains

USD 50
Software ISA E-Marketing 4.0
Sales Management, CRM, Email Marketing, Shipping, Databases, Harvest Emails Robots

Customer Management
Multiple Marketing Campaigns
Email Marketing
Predefined Response Emails organized by campaign to accelerate the management of inquiries and direct sales
Online Sales Management
Sales History
Shipping Management
Database Management
Search by Email, by Name, or by Phone
Import emails from Text Files (TXT)
Email Extractor from Web Pages (Manual and with Robots)
Imports Web Forms generated in PHP to email (MAPI) or text files
Manage Web Forms received by updating database and sending autoresponse emails. Autoresponse associated with Web Forms
Database in MDB Format compatible with Microsoft Access

USD 350

Email Sending Services
53-3050 Super Server Plan LAT-50K

Sending 50.000 emails in Latinamerica, U.S. or Europe
USD 60
53-3150 Super Server Plan LAT-150K

Sending 150.000 emails in Latinamerica, U.S. or Europe
USD 100
53-5002 Super Server Plan LAT-1M

Sending 1 MILLION emails in Latinamerica, U.S. or Europe
USD 350

Software Consulting
53-4001 Installation of Mailer with Scanner of Open SMTP Servers

Configuration and support of a multi server emailing system
USD 210
53-4006 Installation of Email Marketing System
with SMTP Server with SPF and DKIM

- Program installed on your computer that allows local administration of your campaigns
- SMTP Servers appropriate to the rules SPF and DKIM
- Online statistics
- Works on Internet service providers with port 25 locked (use port 587)

USD 65

if you do not want to receive this newsletter or this emails was sent by mistake
please click here

ISA Email Marketing
Fabián Torre
Software Consulting

Rua Antonio Rodrigues 22, Itacimirim - Bahia - CEP 42823-000 - BRASIL
WhatsApp: +55 719 9313-1792 - Skype: chronskype




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Importance of Water Softener in the House

Why Have A Water Softener?

A water softener is a whole-house filtration system that removes hardness-causing calcium and magnesium minerals from your water through a process called ion exchange. A water softener addresses one of the most prevalent and devastating water problems: hard water. Hard water wreaks havoc on the modern home. Scale builds up in your pipes, clogging them and decreasing water pressure. Scale dramatically shortens the lifespan of appliances like dishwashers, coffee makers and ice machines.

Water Softener Benefits

Without a water softener, laundry demands extra detergent to prevent it from looking dingy. Dishes will come out of your dishwasher streaked and stained. Filmy scum builds up on your shower curtains and your soap and shampoo will not lather. Bathing in hard water leaves your skin itchy and dry and your hair lifeless and sticky. The sheer amount of time, energy, and money required to clean up the detrimental side effects of hard water is dizzying. A whole house water softener is the solution to the scourge of water hardness.

Whole House Water System

Did you know that your water can be classified as "hard" if it contains at least 60mg of dissolved calcium and magnesium? In some areas, this number can go as high as 180mg. Defeating the hardness of water is not such a tough challenge but the rewards of it are simply great. You will be needing only one cool device and all those problems with ashy skin, stained dishes and spotty laundry will be gone.


