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How to Identify Iron in Well Water

Identifying iron in well water starts with simple observation. I notice reddish-brown stains in sinks, toilets, or laundry. This is a strong...

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Semana do Consumidor Magalu: Smart TV Samsung 4k 65'' - Apenas: R$ 1.979,15 - Smart TV Samsung 4k 55'' - Apenas R$ 1.418,10 - Smart TV Samsung 4K 43'' - Apenas: R$ 1.099,05 - Smart TV Samsung 4k 32 - Apenas: R$ 698,99 - APROVEITE - [ 434618304301 ]

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Smart TV 65'' UHD 4K LED Samsung 65CU7700 - Wi-Fi Bluetooth Alexa 3 HDMI
Smart TV 65” UHD 4K LED Samsung 65CU7700 - Wi-Fi Bluetooth Alexa 3 HDMI

de R$ 3.198,00

por R$  1.979,15

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Smart TV 55'' UHD 4K LED Samsung 55CU7700 - Wi-Fi Bluetooth Alexa 3 HDMI
Smart TV 55” UHD 4K LED Samsung 55CU7700 - Wi-Fi Bluetooth Alexa 3 HDMI

de R$ 2.719,90

por R$  1.418,10

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Smart TV 43” Ultra HD 4K LED LG 43UP7500 - 60Hz Wi-Fi e Bluetooth Alexa 2 HDMI 1 USB
Smart TV 43” UHD 4K LED Samsung 43CU7700 - Wi-Fi Bluetooth Alexa 3 HDMI

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Smart TV 32” HD LED LG 32LQ620 AI Processor - Wi-Fi Bluetooth Alexa Google Assistente 1 USB
Smart TV UHD 4k LED 32” Samsung T4300 - Wi-Fi HDR 2 HDMI 1 USB

de R$ 1.109,90

por R$  698,99

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Top Ofertas Magalu: Smart TV Samsung 4k 65'' - Apenas: R$ 1.979,15 - Smart TV Samsung 4k 55'' - Apenas R$ 1.418,10 - Smart TV Samsung 4K 43'' - Apenas: R$ 1.099,05 - Smart TV Samsung 4k 32 - Apenas: R$ 698,99 - APROVEITE - [ 28996597061 ]

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Smart TV 65'' UHD 4K LED Samsung 65CU7700 - Wi-Fi Bluetooth Alexa 3 HDMI
Smart TV 65” UHD 4K LED Samsung 65CU7700 - Wi-Fi Bluetooth Alexa 3 HDMI

de R$ 3.198,00

por R$  1.979,15

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Smart TV 55'' UHD 4K LED Samsung 55CU7700 - Wi-Fi Bluetooth Alexa 3 HDMI
Smart TV 55” UHD 4K LED Samsung 55CU7700 - Wi-Fi Bluetooth Alexa 3 HDMI

de R$ 2.719,90

por R$  1.418,10

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Smart TV 43” Ultra HD 4K LED LG 43UP7500 - 60Hz Wi-Fi e Bluetooth Alexa 2 HDMI 1 USB
Smart TV 43” UHD 4K LED Samsung 43CU7700 - Wi-Fi Bluetooth Alexa 3 HDMI

de R$ 2.198,00

por R$  1.099,05

À Vista

Smart TV 32” HD LED LG 32LQ620 AI Processor - Wi-Fi Bluetooth Alexa Google Assistente 1 USB
Smart TV UHD 4k LED 32” Samsung T4300 - Wi-Fi HDR 2 HDMI 1 USB

de R$ 1.109,90

por R$  698,99

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Ofertas válidas para as compras efetuadas pela Internet e Televendas* ou enquanto durarem os estoques.
  *Confira nosso regulamento de Desconto e Frete.  
Contato e Televendas
  Região Metropolitana de São Paulo | (11) 3508-9900 Outras regiões: 0800-310-0002. Horário de atendimento: de segunda a sexta, das 8h30 às 22h / aos sábados e domingos, das 9h às 22h (exceto feriados).  
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