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How to Identify Iron in Well Water

Identifying iron in well water starts with simple observation. I notice reddish-brown stains in sinks, toilets, or laundry. This is a strong...

Email Marketing Databases ISA 2021

Code Product Price

U.S. Databases
53-0139 Email Database ISA USA 2021

1.135.000 emails in the United States
USD 70
53-0140 Email Database ISA USA Corporative 2021

828.000 corporative emails in the United States
USD 65

International Email Databases
53-0120 Email Databases ISA Latin America 2020 C

20 Countries
6.6 Million emails
USD 150
53-0129 Email Databases ISA Latin America Corporative 2020

15 countries in Latin America
1.014.000 corporative emails
USD 180
53-0127 Email Databases ISA International 2020 B

52 Countries - 16.7 Million emails
USD 250

Europe Email Databases
53-0117 Email Databases ISA Europe 2020 B

23 countries in Europe - 7.2 million emails
USD 150
53-0141 Email Databases ISA Europe Corporative 2021

21 countries in Europe - 3.85 million corporative emails
USD 250

Speciales Databases
53-2011 Database ISA Unsubscribers, Complainants and Spamtraps 2020

List of soft complainants (unsubscribe), hard complainants and spamtraps to add to your opt-out list and avoid spam complaints and inclusion of your domains in blacklists
USD 30

ISA Email Packer 2
Email List Optimitation Software

Mix up to 3 lists
Eliminates duplicates
Divide lists into packages with least amount of emails
Eliminates the cut emails
Cleans commas, quotation marks, or the character that you want to
Select emails from a domain
Remove unwanted domains
Deletes emails that contain certain words or symbols
Select emails that contain a certain word
Select emails of corporative domains

USD 50
Software ISA E-Marketing 4.0
Sales Management, CRM, Email Marketing, Shipping, Databases, Harvest Emails Robots

Customer Management
Multiple Marketing Campaigns
Email Marketing
Predefined Response Emails organized by campaign to accelerate the management of inquiries and direct sales
Online Sales Management
Sales History
Shipping Management
Database Management
Search by Email, by Name, or by Phone
Import emails from Text Files (TXT)
Email Extractor from Web Pages (Manual and with Robots)
Imports Web Forms generated in PHP to email (MAPI) or text files
Manage Web Forms received by updating database and sending autoresponse emails. Autoresponse associated with Web Forms
Database in MDB Format compatible with Microsoft Access

USD 350

Email Sending Services
53-3050 Super Server Plan LAT-50K

Sending 50.000 emails in Latinamerica, U.S. or Europe
USD 60
53-3150 Super Server Plan LAT-150K

Sending 150.000 emails in Latinamerica, U.S. or Europe
USD 100
53-5002 Super Server Plan LAT-1M

Sending 1 MILLION emails in Latinamerica, U.S. or Europe
USD 350

Software Consulting
53-4001 Installation of Mailer with Scanner of Open SMTP Servers

Configuration and support of a multi server emailing system
USD 210
53-4006 Installation of Email Marketing System
with SMTP Server with SPF and DKIM

- Program installed on your computer that allows local administration of your campaigns
- SMTP Servers appropriate to the rules SPF and DKIM
- Online statistics
- Works on Internet service providers with port 25 locked (use port 587)

USD 65

if you do not want to receive this newsletter or this emails was sent by mistake
please click here

ISA Email Marketing
Fabián Torre
Software Consulting

Rua Antonio Rodrigues 22, Itacimirim - Bahia - CEP 42823-000 - BRASIL
WhatsApp: +55 719 9313-1792 - Skype: chronskype

